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The marina will remain the property of the Grand Falls Regional Municipality

GRAND FALLS, February 15, 2023 - The Council of the Grand Falls Regional Municipality confirmed at this evening’s public meeting that the marina site - the building and six parcels of land owned by the municipality - will remain part of its assets.

"In the wake of this municipal transition, we felt it was essential to make clear to the community the Council's intention to keep the marina and to continue efforts to maximize its short- and long-term community and tourism potential," shared Bertrand Beaulieu, mayor of the Grand Falls Regional Municipality.

Since taking office in January, Council has focused on establishing the foundation of the new municipal entity and taking ownership of the large-scale projects that were initiated by their predecessors. Aware of the recommendations made by the Marina Citizens' Committee and those of the Stantec firm, Council now aims to establish in a concerted manner the new vocation for the marina site as part of a tourism strategy for the entire Grand Falls Regional Municipality.

"The marina site is the only municipal space with direct access to the water, so we firmly believe that investing strategically in this viable infrastructure and the cultural and social components that surround it will increase its year-round attractiveness," continued Mayor Beaulieu.

Through a call for tenders to be launched by the end of February, Council is actively seeking a tenant that would like to take advantage of this business opportunity to operate the marina building for the upcoming summer season as well as on a long-term basis.

"We are eager to find an occupant who, in collaboration with the Municipality, will give the Marina a new boost for the enjoyment of the community and visitors," said Mr. Beaulieu.

"The Municipality has an important leadership role to play in the economic and tourism development of its territory. That is why a section of our strategic plan will be dedicated to tourism development, in order to structure our tourism offer and promotion in co-creation with the operators," added Mr. Beaulieu.

Interested parties will be able to consult the call for tenders on the municipality's website at the end of February.


Info and interview requests:

France Le Moignan, Economic Development, Communications & Marketing Director

Municipal Building

131 Pleasant Street,

Suite 200

Grand Falls, N.B.


E3Z 1G6

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Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. AST (Atlantic Standard Time)

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