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Permits and authorizations

Building permits
Permis de construction

The Grand Falls Regional Municipality is pleased to offer residents, builders, and the business community Cloudpermit – an online system to apply for and track your building permits.  The Cloudpermit building permit system allows for you to apply for and see the status of your application anywhere, at any time. Il est encore possible de soumettre un demande permis format papier. It is still possible to submit a paper permit application.

Getting started with Cloudpermit

Cloudpermit has provided a tutorial video on how to use cloudpermit and submit permits below.

To get started with Cloudpermit, you will need to create an account.  You will require a valid email address to use the system.

  1. Go to the Cloudpermit site at

  2. Click on “Create a New Account” found under the “continue” arrow.

  3. Provide your email address.

  4. Cloudpermit will send an email to the address you have provided.

  5. Open the email and complete the registration process. The next time you visit the site, you'll login using your email and password.

  6. Login to Cloudpermit. 

  7. Click the "Apply for a Permit" button in the upper right-hand corner. Create a New Project and give it a name that relates to the project with the address. The project name can be changed at a later date. Then select NEXT

  8. Provide the Location where the work will be taking place. Change the municipality (drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner) to Grand Falls. You can then type in your address or roll number, OR you can find your property on the map. All the fields with an asterisk must be completed, if the property is vacant with no civic address, enter in ## as the address number, select NEXT

  9. Select the Application Type and Category appropriate for your project. Most of the categories are self-explanatory but note that you would select “accessory structures” for smaller structures like sheds, detached garages, sunrooms, detached decks. Trailer Parks will use the Residential category Then select NEXT

  10. At this point, you'll see a Summary. Check if the information is accurate. If you need to make changes, use the "Back" button. If everything is correct, click I am the Application and then select CREATE APPLICATION

Starting a new application

Permit dashboard

You have now arrived at the permit dashboard where you will complete the details of your submission.  The information listed at the top of the page will be for the property including the roll number, legal description, permit number and the date submitted.


That will be followed by the Application link and Work & Construction link.  Work and Construction will become active once the permit has been issued.  Steps for application completion will be visible at this point listed as step 3/6.  The application will need certain fields completed before submission, this will be shown under Building Permit, there will be 4 boxes indicated in Red or Green depending the stage of completion.

Parties to the application

The parties to the application will be the individuals or organizations involved in the permit process, all parties will be notified when any changes are made to the application or messages received to the public.


In order for a green check mark to appear in the parties menu, an applicant and property owner must be assigned.  The property owner and applicant information must be entered manually by selecting the “add or invite party” clickable link which will bring up a new box.  Click “input details manually and add the party immediately”, this will bring up several fields to be completed, please note all fields with an asterisk must be completed.  Assign the roles of Property owner and applicant.


Any other parties that want to be added can be done so without selecting the box to “input details manually and add the party immediately”.  You may provide the email address alone and select a role for the party.


Depending the permit type, you will have two or three selectable applications.  Complete all the information that has a red asterisk beside the field.

Fee's and payment

This information will be completed by building staff and will appear once the permit is under review by the building official.  All parties in attendance will be notified when this information is updated by email.  Please note the payment options in the first paragraph under fee’s and payments.


Each permit type will require different attachments.  The system will determine what attachments are required for the project and will show up in red if the attachment type has not been uploaded, and green if it has been received.  You may drag and drop files into the box, or manually upload them from your computer. 


Once the files have been uploaded, you must assign them a file type from the drop down menu. If there is a particular attachment that doesn’t apply to your project, the system will still require it to select it from the drop down menu when assigning attachment types and assign it to a file.


If HVAC doesn’t apply to your drawing but the system is indicating it requires it, you can assign the HVAC attachment to the architectural drawing to receive a green pass for the attachment type.  You may assign multiple file types to a singular attachment.  Please do not upload the same file multiple times and assign it the attachment types the system is looking for.

Sign off / Submit permit

If you scroll to the top of the page, the purple button Sign off should be available to select, this will be grayed out still if you do not have three green check marks in the required tasks bar.  In the sign off page, please select the appropriate Tarion information, and all applicable law sections.  You may upload a completed page 2 form at the bottom of the page, or submit the application as the applicant.  You will then be required to submit the permit which will be a purple button in the same location as sign off.


Once the permit has been submitted, building staff will be notified that a new permit has been received and will be reviewed by staff.  A list of reviews will appear at the bottom of your dashboard once staff have placed the submission into the review stage.  The status will reflect the current review stage and any party that has accepted an invite will be notified when any status changes on the permit submission.


Once all reviews are complete and payment for the permit has been received, the permit will be digitally generated.  The permit will become available in the Application tab underneath the Reviews box for digital download.  Staff will bring a laminated copy of the first page of the permit to be placed on site to display the nature of construction.


A function that is used by staff to communicate with the applicants and parties involved is the messaging function.  The button is located in the top right of the Cloudpermit webpage and can be used to ask staff questions, or receive important information from building staff.  During the review process, staff will communicate through the messaging portal for any deficiencies or other relevant information.  An email is sent to the parties that have accepted an invite to the Cloudpermit portal for all correspondence in the public form, or if a direct message is sent.


Once your permit has been issued through cloudpermit, your dashboard will automatically direct you to the work & construction tab.  In this tab you may request inspections for a date and time slot.  Staff will confirm the inspection with the applicant and advise if the inspection request can not be accommodated on the selected date.  All inspection information will be updated in real time when the inspector is on site including photos and attachments.


The inspector may require that additional items be added to the cloudpermit file such as supporting documents for an inspection.  There will be a attachments section in the work & construction tab which you can upload attachments too, please notify staff through the messaging portal if you add any documents.


All inspections will have the function to be printed once completed by entering the appropriate inspection and scrolling to the bottom of the page.

If at any point you require assistance with your submission, please don’t hesitate to contact the Land Use department at 506-475-7777 extension 3.

Why do you need a permit?

Some construction and development projects require a permit from the Land and Use Department. Please contact the Land and Use Department before applying for a permit so that you have all the information needed for your application.


The Grand Falls Regional Municipality requires that constructions meet health, safety and property protection standards as regulated by the National Building Code of Canada and all civic by-laws. Constructions should create structures in which it is safe to live and work. This should be carried out in a manner that maintains or improves property values. You must demonstrate that your construction will meet these requirements before a permit is issued.


Who should apply and where for the permit?


The owner or agent should apply in person for a building permit at the Land Use Planning Department - Dollard Bélanger building located at 430 Broadway Boulevard. Discuss this with your contractor.


Projects that require a Building Permit:

  • All new Industrial and Commercial including renovations and additions.

  • Construction of a new home.

  • Addition to an existing home, whether it is a new room, carport, garage or sundeck, add dormers or roof over existing sundeck.

  • Excavation to provide a full basement or install weeping or drain tile.

  • Alter and construct new interior partitions.

  • Install new chimney, do electrical or plumbing work.

  • Replacement of siding, windows and doors.

  • Change the use to or from a single family from or to multi-family.

  • Home occupation in a home, or change of use in commercial for a convenience store or law office to or from beauty salon, medical office etc.

  • Erect signs either freestanding or fascia,

  • Industrial and commercial roofing.

  • Erect accessory buildings (shed, garage).


Projects that do not require a building Permit:

  • Re-shingle a roof (residential only).

  • Interior finish work (flooring,trims,paint,wallpaper)

  • Landscaping around building.

  • Installation of kitchen and bathroom cabinets.

  • Repair of existing chimney.


What information is required?

  • Your mailing address, telephone number.

  • Location and address of proposed worksite.

  • Surveyor plan of property or copy of deed

  • Department of Environment or Health approval certificate if required, where there are no services available.

  • New construction or addition - you will need a full set of plans to scale showing all sections and cross-sections with details of work to be done.

  • All renovation,

  • Repair or replace, deck or steps, fence, swimming pool, tents,

  • Change of use (occupancy), demolition and signs may require plans.


When is the seal of an architect or professional engineer required?


All plans and specifications provided in a building permit application shall be certified under the seal of an architect or professional engineer registered or licensed to practice in the province of New Brunswick where the work involves the  construction of, or addition to, a building which exceeds 600 square meters in building area or three stories in building height or is used for assembly, institutional, and high-hazard industrial occupancies.


Is your pool safe?

Residential swimming pools, whether above-ground, in-ground or even demountable, represent a major drowning hazard for young children, especially when they are away from adult supervision and the installations are not adequately secured. 


You must obtain a permit before installing a pool.


An outdoor pool is subject to the following restrictions:

Municipal Building

131 Pleasant Street,

Suite 200

Grand Falls, N.B.


E3Z 1G6

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Business Hours

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. AST (Atlantic Standard Time)

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